While our students are working on their own drafts, I decided to enter a writing contest as well... I am a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, and I would love to attended the society's national conference held each summer in Los Angeles. The three-day summit boasts of fantastic keynote speakers, lectures, workshops, and critique sessions with writers much like myself (many of them well-more experienced). SCBWI is currently holding a writing contest that awards a conference scholarship to one lucky writer, chosen by their merits and submission of a 200-word story based on the following illustration prompt.

Unlike the Flintridge stories of 750 words or less, I was saddled with the task of telling a brief tale in just 200 words. The text that follows is my story, entitled "The Search for Abel's Abacus." Who knows if I will win that scholarship... but what I do know is that I loved sitting down with my PC and my imagination to work my way through several drafts. I hope this final draft's a winner, and I hope you enjoy the read!
The Search for Abel’s Abacus
As the dory rocked to and fro, I gazed into the endless sea of digits that seemed to stretch to infinity along an endless liquid horizon. Our search for Abel’s ancient abacus was not going well, and I was beginning to slide into despair as the chill and darkness of night encircled our little vessel. Without the abacus, our dear friend Abel would not be able to complete critical calculations for Queen Cipher. As the night sky darkened and our lanterns guided the way, we hoped that our efforts would add up to a successful search.
Suddenly, Watchdog sounded his alarm and chimed out a command: “Bring the boat about! There’s something below the surface at our 11 o’clock!” From the stern, Tollbert dug his oar into the soupy sea and lowered his mighty arm to steady the craft. Below us a slight shimmer gave us a glimmer of hope.
From above, a number of chirps from Figure, our winged friend, confirmed our quarry had been found! Abel’s abacus was quietly suspended, dangling delicately from a 6 (or was it a 9?). Watchdog, with both bells a’ringing, barked, “What a find! What a sight! Everything will be all right tonight!”
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