Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Please create your own Heqet-ism, a phrase that Ranofer's friend Heqet might say. Post your Heqet-ism below.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Golden Goblet Chapter IX

Students, please take a few minutes to analyze the following excerpt from Chapter 9 of The Golden Goblet. Note the author’s use descriptive language and the inner monologue that Ranofer exhibits. What are your impressions of Ranofer's revelations? What do you predict the next plot turn might be as we enter Chapter 10? What are your impressions of Ranofer's current emotions?

Post your comments below.

He means to take no chances that I will forget tonight, Ranofer thought as he started for the storeroom. Cursed One! What does he care for my coppers, except to make sure I do not get them? If only I could keep them, I could hide them away and some day buy a donkey. But he does not even need them, especially these days when he swaggers about in fine headcloths and new-made sandals. He has two pairs of sandals now, one with buckles, like a judge's. Aye, and he eats fish often, and salted waterfowl. I can smell them in the storeroom at home. And he reeks always of wine or barley beer...

My coppers cannot have made all that difference, Ranofer reflected....