Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Golden Goblet Chapter IX

Students, please take a few minutes to analyze the following excerpt from Chapter 9 of The Golden Goblet. Note the author’s use descriptive language and the inner monologue that Ranofer exhibits. What are your impressions of Ranofer's revelations? What do you predict the next plot turn might be as we enter Chapter 10? What are your impressions of Ranofer's current emotions?

Post your comments below.

He means to take no chances that I will forget tonight, Ranofer thought as he started for the storeroom. Cursed One! What does he care for my coppers, except to make sure I do not get them? If only I could keep them, I could hide them away and some day buy a donkey. But he does not even need them, especially these days when he swaggers about in fine headcloths and new-made sandals. He has two pairs of sandals now, one with buckles, like a judge's. Aye, and he eats fish often, and salted waterfowl. I can smell them in the storeroom at home. And he reeks always of wine or barley beer...

My coppers cannot have made all that difference, Ranofer reflected....


  1. I think Gebu is stealing gold from tombs. Ranofer is probably right and that his coppers couldn't have made a difference. Gebu couldn't afford all those luxuries with the money he gets from the stonecutter's shop either.I think Gebu's dishonesty will be revealed in the next chapter. I feel so sorry that Ranofer has to feel so helpless and can't buy food with his own coppers. Poor Ranofer!

  2. In chapter 9 Ranofer wonders why Gebu needs his coppers when he is all ready wealthy. Ranofer thinks that Gebu is stealing gold from another goldsmiths. Once he tells the Ancient and Heqet what he knows they will find a way to defeat Gebu. If Ranofer can keep his own coppers he can find a way to buy a donkey and live like the Ancient, but most of work at the goldsmiths again. In the next chapter I think that Ranofer, Heqet, and the Ancient will find away to prove to everybody that Gebu is a stealer and a terrible guardian. Then the chapter will end in a big cliff hanger. Ranofer feels discouraged and fells that he can defeat Gebu. First he has to find a way to keep his coppers, even if its half of what he gives Gebu. Soon Ranofer will be living a happy life.

  3. I think Gebu does not get that much money to buy this expensive stuff just from stonecutting, so he must be getting it from another place. I think he is stealing from a goldsmith. He might even go as far as to steal from the tombs, and that would definetely be a horrible thing to do. Something really bad that Gebu does is make sure that Ranofer cannot keep his coppers so that his stomach is always empty. He always makes sure that Ranofer can never have enough money to leave forever, and that if he does he will easily die. I feel really sorry for Ranofer.

  4. I agree with Rohan, Madison, and Sam. I think that Gebu is stealing from the tombs with Wenamon, because Ranofer gives his gold coins to him, but they are pretty much worthless for buying expensive wine, sandals, waterfowl, and the other things that Ranofer has smelled on him or seen, unless Gebu is taking coins from other workers, or stealing from tombs. Earlier when Gebu was caught, I thought that he learned his lesson, but now I think that I'm wrong. In the middle of the night, Gebu is probably sneaking out and meeting Wenamon somewhere. They will then go to a tomb or someone's home and steal. I hope that soon they are caught and hung on the palace walls.

  5. Since I read the back of the book, I agree with Sam. I will not mention anything from the back, because it would sort of give away the book. If I were Ranofer, I would be suspicious. How would Gebu get all of those clothes/consumable items??? Ranofer's coppers are useless, so there has to be another way Gebu is making money. It does sound like Gebu is still stealing. I can't imagine what would happen to Ranofer if he was caught spying. Maybe he would be disowned by Gebu, and be sent far away. When it says his clothes smelt like barley beer, the barley part sounded good, but not the beer. My mom gets really good barley tea at the market.

  6. Rachel-
    I think that Ranofer si right. Why would Gebu, who had all the things he wanted like salted fish, wine, and sandals, care for some worthless sandals? i think that Gebu is stealing from somewhere else but he is not doing the stealing. i think that he has to pay the person stealing with Ranofer's worthless coppers.

  7. Ranofer thinks that the reason for Gebu's newfound wealth is that perhaps the Fanbearer paid a large sum of money for his coffin, or that the Pharaoh was paying a large amount of money for the work on his temple. Then, it dawns on Ranofer that another explanation for Gebu's riches could be that he is stealing again.

    The next major plot turn could be that Ranofer finds out more about Gebu's mysterious behavior. I think Ranofer seems stressed, angry, and a little sick with anticipation. I feel really bad for him, because he is at rock bottom right now.

  8. I agree with everybody. I think Gebu is stealing from goldshops or tombs. After all, a few coppers cannot buy a man new sandals, food, and clothes. On the front cover of the book there is a picture of a "Golden Goblet" which i think is going to be part of the next two chapters or so. Next I think Gebu's dishonesty will be revealed by the team of Heqet, Ranofer, and the Ancient. Even if poor Ranofer knows, and has proof of Gebu stealing gold Ranofer would be too scared to tell anyone at the risk of being disowned, beat up, or sold.

  9. Ranofer has thoughts about Gebu and his mysterious ways. I think that Ranofer is onto Gebu about his gold stealing again. He figures that it is the only way that Gebu could ever afford such stuff. Heqet and Ranofer are all over Gebu about this situation. Maybe he thinks that Gebu has been stealing from the Pharaoh's temple, where he has been working. I have full sympathy for Ranofer.

  10. I agree with eveerybody that said Gebu is stealing from tombs. I think Wenemon is his accomplice. Ranofer's measly wages could not have given Gebu sandals, expensive oils, and better food. I also believe that Gebu does not want to give Ranofer his wages because, first of all, he is too greedy, and second that after Ranofer has enough money, he might try to run away. Gebu is a selfish and greedy person, and deserves to be hung from the palace walls.

  11. Ranofer realizes that Gebu has alot of things that costs money and he couldn't get it from Ranofer's coppers. Ranofer is wondering how is Gebu is getting all that money.In the next chapter Ranofer will probably find out how Gebu is getting so much money.Maybe Ranofer will set a trap so he can catch Gebu stealing.Ranofer is frustrated that Gebu is taking his coppers and is scared of what he might find.

  12. I think that Gebu is stealing from goldshops again. The coppers could do nothing to by expensive things such as the sandals, food, and clothes. Ranofer is mad at Gebu for making him work for nothing because he makes sure that Ranofer doesn't get them. In the next chapter, I think that Ranofer is going to see what Gebu is up to

  13. Along with all of my peers, I agree that Gebu could not afford such fine luxuries with the small amount of Ranofer's daily coppers. Ranofer believes that Gebu is stealing again, and so do I. (Maybe with a little help from Wenamon.) With such a small sum of money taken from Ranofer each day, Gebu could not afford fancy sandals, or waterfowl/fish for dinner each night. Whether he's stealing from gold shops or tombs, it's still stealing, and it's wrong. There is no way that pharaoh or a mere judge for that matter, singled out Gebu paying him extra. And that is why Ranofer, Heqet, and the ancient are spying on him.

  14. Well from the sidelines and the background info is that i have created a new Google account. Mr. Bache my new email address is thisiswilliechoi@gmail.com sorry for the inconvenience.

    Sorry for the long extra attachment. Well first of all i do not think it is right to take little coppers from Ranofer because IT does not make sense that Gebu is obtaining various, luxurious, and tasty items. Therefore this explanation (above) has lead to the conclusion that not only is Gebu getting little help from Ranofer's money, but stealing. You see these many reasons cause many suspicions, so hence the fact that Ranofer and the other two Egyptians may be out to where he gets his money. So i do agree with all of the above (students).

  15. Gebu must be steeling gold because that blueprint had a little room and I think Gebu is going their to talk to to Wenamon. Also I think that Gebu is just taking the coppers so Ranofer can't run away, live by himself, and become a goldsmith. If Ranofer does that Gebu thinks Ranofer will tell everyone his secret of steeling the gold. I think **spoiler alert from back of book** that Ranofer will find some money (or something valuable) and try to escape from Gebu. I am now about to finish reading the next chapter (10) to find out.

  16. Ranofer should be able to keep his fares because Gebu IS the owner of the shop so he shouldn't be taking Ranofer's coppers from him. I think that Gebu is stealing from someone or somewhere because like Ranofer said, his coppers couldn't make a difference. I think we will find out about Gebu's unheard of crimes (if there are any). Ranofer probably feels suprised at how gebu got the sandals and headbands, and also quite angry because he is having his coppers taken away from him.

  17. Poor Ranofer has to deal with evil Gebu. Whenever Ranofer earns money, Gebu takes it from him. When Ranofer forgot to bring his coppers home, he got a beating. Ranofer is angry because he thinks that Gebu shouldn't be getting upset in the first place since he really couldn't be doing much with what Ranofer earns. Gebu is already wealthy. I think that Gebu was only beating Ranofer to show him who is boss, and that this is how life will be. If Ranofer could keep the coins, he could buy a donkey and live a good life on his own, but for some reason, Gebu wants him to stick around. Maybe in the future Ranofer will again be in the plan for Gebu and his gold. Gebu is probably stealing once again from a different goldsmith, not receiving money from the Pharaoh. I think that in chapter 10, Heqet, Ranofer, and the Ancient will discover what Gebu is doing and find out something about a golden goblet. (It says something about a golden goblet on the back of the book). Right now Ranofer is feeling depressed but soon he will be happy and maybe excited.

  18. Ranofer never keeps his coppers. Every time he gets home, Gebu is there waiting for Ranofer's useless coppers. Plus, Gebu couldn't have bought all of his fancy ointments, head cloths and shentis.He must be steeling. I agree with Katie when she thinks that they will all discover that Gebu, Setma, and Wenamon are steeling. But it does say on the back of the book that Ranofer finds a golden goblet, so thats probably in the next chapter too. they might not find out about the stealing though. But i think that Ranofer will find out in the next chapter or two.It will be really exciting for him. I think that right now Ranofer is probably feeling pretty bad since Gebu abused him but i also think that he's excited to soon bust Gebu and find out what the ancient and Heqet saw.

  19. Ranofer is a pleasant young boy who was the son of Thutra- the well-respected goldsmith who recently passed away, and his automatic guardian was his despicable half-brother Gebu. Ranofer previously worked as a porter at Rekh the goldsmith's shop until he began to pick up on his brother's crimes of stealing golden ingots from his master's shop and then Gebu ordered him to abandon his occupation and come and work as a stonecutter's apprentice in Gebu's stonecutting shop. One day, Ranofer was invited by Heqet to go with him to deliver something to Zau the master's gold shop and at the end of the day, he forgot to collect his coppers from the shop and Gebu was furious and beat him. Gebu takes all of Ranofer's earnings after each day which I believe is an act of desperation because he most likely thinks that if he continues to abuse Ranofer, he may eventually give up and not even bother to pick himself back up again therefore leaving Gebu with even more power. There is no ultimate reason for Gebu to take Ranofer's pay because Gebu is at a higher level in the shop so he receives more money except he probably wants Ranofer to consider himself hopeless and powerless and that there will never be a time when Gebu is out of the picture. Gebu does provide a home and food for Ranofer, however, if Ranofer could keep his earnings from the shop, he would have a much better take on life and there would be a lot more hope for a content life WITHOUT Gebu. I think that Gebu is worried that if he leaves Ranofer alone, he will become more successful and powerful than him so he wants Ranofer to feel obligated to give gebu whatever he desires so he will be happy and let Ranofer stay at the house and get food however little it may be. Ranofer firmly believes that Gebu is stealing from another person although there is no evidence. I think that in chapter 10, Ranofer, Heqet, and the Ancient will find out what Gebu is up to and something about the golden goblet. They may also find Wenamon's place in the crime. Currently, Ranofer feels depressed that he does not yet possess the courage to confront Gebu and give back to those that he stole from like Rekh. He also is depressed because he cannot be a free pupil for Zau yet and desperately wants to be a gold worker again and eventually a master.


    i think that Gebu is stealing from another source. Gebu must of stolen from the tombs since he has all of those comforts and expensive objects. Ranofer is right about his coppers not making such a big difference. How can Ranofer's pay give enough money to Gebu that he could afford sandals, waterfowl, and headcloths? Maybe if Ranofer saves some of his money, he could go out and live like the ancient, but Gebu is making sure to take his pay. I hope that Gebu is caught, all of his money is given to Ranofer and is hung.


    Ranofer is on the verge of discovering something very significant in the story. He is simply stating all the things he already knows. He can see the connection on the fact the Gebu is getting a bunch of money all at once and the coppers that he gives to Gebu every day. Renofer figures out that he didn't stop Gebu's thieving once and for all. He and his friends will be spending all their time trying to figure out where Gebu is stealing from and trying to stop him. I think that Gebu is raiding tombs. I can't think of any other way that he could possibly gain all this money in such a small amount of time.


    i think that ranofer is suspecting that gebu is stealing again because of his expensive sandals and oils he is wearing. gebu always takes his coppers adn gives him a loaf of bread and a stale onion. ranofer brings home his coppers and gives them to gebu getting less than what he deserves. i think that in the next chapter, ranofer is going to try and figure out what gebu is up to, stop him, and go to zau the masters to be an apprentice for him.

  23. PAIGE

    I think that Ranofer is correct about his coppers not making much of a difference. I think that Gebu may be stealing gold from tombs and selling them on the other side of the river. Besides tomb raiding, there is no other way that Gebu could have afforded the luxurious head dresses and expensive food. I think that Heqet and Ancient will help Ranofer to solve the mystery and find out whether or not Gebu is guilty. I also think that when Gebu is caught, Ranofer will live with Zau and become a goldsmith like he always dreamed of becoming.

  24. BJ

    I agree with all of the people above me. I think that Gebu is stealing from tombs. If not how else would he have gotten so much money at once to afford such luxurious items such as fancy sandals, new head dress, water fowl, and barley beer. I also feel pity for Ranofer since everyday he has to starve or get disciplined or both.

  25. KARI

    I think that the passage tells about how Gebu suddenly "got richer". Ranofer believes that Gebu is stealing gold from a shop and using it for himself. He thinks that Setma, Wenamon, and Gebu are planning some big move. But he isn't sure what it is. I think that Gebu and his "friends" are going to make whatever their big move is that will change the plot from how we know it right now. Ranofer is sad but recently been getting better, now that he his meeting at the thicket with Heqet and Ancient. But he is still hungry...

  26. NICOLE

    I think that Gebu is stealing from Thutra's tomb and possibly other tombs as well. It makes sense that Gebu cannot afford two pairs of sandals, nice meals, wine, and all of his other goods with just Ranofer's coppers from the stone cutter's. I think that in chapter ten, Ranofer, Heqet, and possibly the ancient will find that Gebu and wenamon have something up their sleeves. I look forward to reading more.

  27. MONYA

    I think that Ranofer is going through a lot right now, especially with Gebu. I think that Ranofer feels very pained emotionally and physically. I think that if Ranofer got to earn his coppers, then he would be able to buy a donkey and cut papyrus and make a living for himself, but at the same time that would be dangerous, since he would have to live in the wild on his own, and he could be kidnapped, or die of sickness or starvation. I think that Gebu is definetly stealing the gold from somewhere secret, and I think that Ranofer should keep on spying on him, but he should be very careful. Ranofer really wants to earn his coppers, and maybe, just maybe if he did, he could save them up and when the amount gets very large, he could tell Gebu that he could have most of the coppers, if not all, and let him break free of his apprenticeship so he could escape and become one of Zau's pupils or apprentices. I think that in the next chapter or so, Ranofer and his allies will come up with a plan to finally find out the details of what Gebu is exactly doing, and eventually turn him in. I hope that Ranofer will eventually be free from Gebu.

  28. Students,
    Overall, your responses are excellent; you are thoughtful and insightful. I am enjoying my time reading each of your posts.

    For those of you who were careless with your capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, please remember that this is a public forum and should be treated with respect and care. Be diligent with your writing mechanics and represent yourself professionally.

    Thank you!

  29. RAVIN

    I think that Ranofer is suspecting that Gebu is stealing gold once again because of his exspensive sandals and oils that he is wearing in the Golden Goblet. I think that in the next chapter that Ranofer is going to catch Ranofer and that he going to tell Heqet.


    I think Ranofer is just starting to realize that Gebu must be up to something. He knows that Gebu cannot possibly be getting all of the new clothes and oils that he has suddenly started wearing from Ranofer's wages. I agree with everyone that said that Gebu and Wenamon are robbing tombs. I think that this is the plot for the rest of the book, and that future chapters will revolve around this thievery. I also agree with Katie in that the story will soon involve a golden goblet, as it said on the back of the book. I think that Ranofer is feeling angry as he reflects on how Gebu has new clothes,oils, more wine, and better food and then he whipped Ranofer for not bringing home one day's measly coppers.


  32. hi I am Scott and hate u Mr.R.Bache and I love you alec i am crazy for you
