Monday, March 8, 2010

New Resident of the Blogosphere

So, I am setting up shop here in Blogsville, and I am enjoying the process -- setting up a profile, adding gadgets, fine-tuning colors and layouts, uploading images, and so forth. I've even met some of the neighbors. Crossing Chalk and Murphblog have been welcoming, both educators and writers who have mastered the online creative realm. As for this junior statesman of Blogsville, so far so good. I am a little concerned about the neighborhood home owner's association though... As the neighbors warned me, there is a huge allotment of time required to truly gain full membership in the web log club. As a teacher, TV producer, hopeful picture book author, husband, and self-proclaimed jack-of-all-trades, I hope to squeeze out enough time to fold into my loaded life.

Like they say in real estate, it's all about location, location, location. I hope my students, friends, and new neighbors can find me tucked away into this ever-expanding population of web writers. I think Bache's Box is situated nicely between the political pundits, witty writers, and Googling gardeners of the web. We'll see what the foot traffic is like as I improve my curb appeal and property value with quality blog entries and useful links. Like any invested homeowner, I'll put in some elbow grease in an effort to keep my equity in the black.

Welcome to the neighborhood!


  1. Glad to read this virgin post in real time, on the day it crowned and cried and popped out into the world. Welcome.

  2. Uh oh, your blog has been officially bookmarked, and not just in my regular "bookmarks" folder - oh no, I put your blog right in my links bar, above my tabs! You are big time! ;-)
