Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Heqet-isms 2012

6th Grade Students,

You have now had some practice with finding meaning and completing Heqet sayings. Now, please create your own Heqet-ism, a phrase that Ranofer's friend Heqet might say. Post your Heqet-ism below. Due Friday, November 30, by 5:00 p.m. Don't wait. Time flies, as the clock said to the eagle.


  1. you snooze you lose said the insomniac to the narcoleptic as he sipped his 7th cup of coffee :)

  2. Stop following me! The lightning bolt said to the thunder.

    Mia, yours is awesome!:)

  3. Isn't life always a race? Said one raindrop to another as they slid down the windshield.

    silver raindrops run
    down like tears tracing channels
    on window's smooth face

    Oh! A bit of poetry.

  4. Hurry up said the cheetah to the tortoise as he crossed the finish line.

  5. "We must make haste," as the sloth said to the snail.

    *side note: I find it amusing that the first four people didn't use quotation marks. If you separated the quote from the sentence with just a punctuation mark, the "sentence" would be grammatically incorrect, i.e. "Said one raindrop to another as the they slid down the windshield." That's just the predicate and a prepositional phrase; there is no subject (The crowd cheers incessantly).
    Arrgh! No italics! (The cheers turn to boos, with a voice heard calling out, "Down with no italics!")

    "Now, off with your head!" as the queen said to the headless man.

    1. Eh, well in Ancient Egypt they didn't have punctuation. They didn't even have the modern alphabet! I think we may be excused just this once.

      Also, I think everyone's Heqetisms are really clever, especially Sydney's since has to do with the age-old fable.


  6. "War isn't always pretty," said the horse to the mole on the battlefield.

  7. "Why do we always have to take turns being in the sky?" the Sun asked the Moon.

  8. "It is a comfort to have you here!" Said the waves to the sandy shore. (molly)

  9. "Everyday, you make me shine!" said the cumulonimbus clouds said to the sun.

    1. "Everyday, you make me shine!" said the cumulonimbus clouds to the sun.

  10. "How come he played you faster?' said rhythm 4/4 to rhythm 2/4

  11. It feels good to have someone to talk to, said the spider to the fly

    It just doesn't seem rational, said the gopher when the mole announced that he could see

    I feel so small said the mouse to the giraffe

    Keep up said the dolphin to the sea turtle

    *Sorry that there are so many Heqet-isms, I felt bored, so I wrote more than one!

    *Everyone's Heqet-isms are awesome!!<3

  12. I'm so beautiful said the tarantula to the colorful peacock

  13. "Why are you blushing all of a sudden?" asked the shrimp to the baby flamingo.

  14. "Im puzzled," as the polar bear said when he was stranded in the desert

  15. "Let's roll" said the rectangle to the square

    P.S. I'm David

  16. "Why are you so sad?" as the worm said to the bluebird. David, your Heqetism is so awesome!:)
    P.S. It's CeCe!

  17. Show off! As the mouse exclaimed to the pea-cock.

  18. I can do it said the ant lifting up the leaf

  19. "Teamwork is dream work," as the wolves said as they stalked their prey.

  20. "You make me so nutty!" said the jelly to the peanut butter.

  21. "Stop following me!" The person said to the mirror.

    1. Omg yours is so awesome Katie!

      - Mia malik :)

  22. Your so heavy said the boat to the plane

  23. That was a piece of cake said the baker to the customer.
